Startup & Small Business

Yes, B2B Websites Can Use Personalization Too [Here’s How]

You know how hyped the concept of website personalization is. You’ve seen the trend pieces and the lucrative statistics (80% of customers are more likely to purchase! 93% of websites see a lift in conversions!). But that’s for B2C (business to consumer) businesses,...

What is Email Segmentation & How Does It Work?

Every marketing dollar has to stretch as far as it can when you run a small business or work as a freelancer—and that means email is your best bet, as long as you do it right. Why email in a world of text messages, push notifications and social posts? There are lots...

How to Start Your Own Web Development Business Now

If you’re a web developer or a coding camp student and you’re thinking about being your own boss, you’re in good company. The number of freelancers in the U.S. hit more than 56 million in 2020, per the Freelancers Union—and the number keeps rising every year as more...
Social Media Holidays Your Small Business Can Celebrate

Social Media Holidays Your Small Business Can Celebrate

Celebrating social media holidays may seem silly but they can give your business a serious marketing boost. Thanks to the magic of the internet and the endless creativity of holiday-proclaimers, you never have to run out of special days to add to your promo...

XaaS: 9 Things Your Online Business Can Outsource This Year

XaaS: 9 Things Your Online Business Can Outsource This Year

Running a small business can make you feel like you’re doing everything, all the time—because let’s face it, you probably are.  That busyness can be exciting at first. But running on adrenaline and checklists for months on end can cause you to burn out and make...

3 Ways to Grow Your Online Store in 2021

3 Ways to Grow Your Online Store in 2021

Most of us have shopped online this year more than ever, to follow pandemic restrictions, find items that fit pared-down budgets, or get items that are out of stock at our neighborhood stores. As a result, even consumers who were brand-new to digital shopping at the...